Strategy There are two things you can’t fix in this business: 1) the quality of the rock, and 2) a high cost of entry. Exaro is focused on investing in only the best geology at prices that make sense to produce out. Exaro’s expertise allows it to drive value through the sales meter by integrating new technologies with proven techniques and existing practices.
Keys To Success
Right Timing – Exaro’s disciplined approach to investing means it doesn’t buy in a frothy sellers’ market – we practice patience in understanding when the time is right to acquire assets at values that make sense to produce out
Fiscal Discipline – We apply innovative practices to producing fields to drive FCF that can be used to make quarterly distributions to our shareholders as well as to reinvest into new reserves
Team – Exaro’s management leads by example, facilitating a culture of innovation, integrity, and leadership at every level
Integrate – Merge new technologies with proven practices to create step changes in performance.
Relationships – Communication and trust among all stakeholders is vital to our success; this not only includes are Shareholders but also our Community, the BLM, the State Commissions and Exaro’s 3rd party contractors